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Proszę o odpowiedz na pytanie do podanego tekstu;
1.How often do our first impressions change ?
2.How do we know that Jason is uncomfortable ?
3.Why is it possible that Jason is dishonest ?
4.Why does the writer think that Holly extroverted?
5.How is Holly's eye contact different from Jason's eye contact?
6. What do the colours of Holly's clothes say about her?
7.Are the writer's first impressions of Holly and Jason positive or negative?
8.Why does the writer think that Holly and Jason are possibly boyfriend and girlfrend?

First impressions.

When we meet people, we usually from a first impressions.
We look at them and we decide things about their personality.
Experts say that we from an opinion about a person in approximately seventeen seconds. After that , our opinion doesn't usually change. In this article, an expert describes her first impressions of two people at a party.

Jason looks tense. He definitely isn't comfortable in this situation. I think that he's shy and sensitive. He's probably friendly with people when he knows them .

Jason isn't looking at the camera. He's got long, dark hair and he's hiding behind it. Is he hiding his eyes because he's First impressions.

When we meet people, we usually from a first impressions.
We look at them and we decide things about their personality.
Experts say that we from an opinion about a person in approximately seventeen seconds. After that , our opinion doesn't usually change. In this article, an expert describes her first impressions of two people at a party.

Jason looks tense. He definitely isn't comfortable in this situation. I think that he's shy and sensitive. He's probably friendly with people when he knows them .
Jason isn't looking at the camera. He's got long, dark hair and he's hiding behind it. Is he hiding his eyes because he's dishonest or because he's shy ?

People who wear black are sometimes a little cold, but I think that Jason is artistic. Look at his shoes and his watch; he definitely likes things which are stylish and modern.

Holly seems relaxed. She's probably happy in places where there are a lot of people.

People can say a lot with their hair, and Holly's hair is interesting . The style says that she is extraverted, and perhaps she's a little rebellious. Holly is looking directly at the camera. Her eye contact indicates that she is open and honest.

She's wearing comfortable, hippy-style clothes . Maybe money isn't very important to her. Her colours and her personality are natural and warm.

When we meet people, we usually from a first impressions.
We look at them and we decide things about their personality.
Experts say that we from an opinion about a person in approximately seventeen seconds. After that , our opinion doesn't usually change. In this article, an expert describes her first impressions of two people at a party.

Jason looks tense. He definitely isn't comfortable in this situation. I think that he's shy and sensitive. He's probably friendly with people when he knows them .

Jason isn't looking at the camera. He's got long, dark hair and he's hiding behind it. Is he hiding his eyes because he's dishonest or because he's shy ?

People who wear black are sometimes a little cold, but I think that Jason is artistic. Look at his shoes and his watch; he definitely likes things which are stylish and modern.

Holly seems relaxed. She's probably happy in places where there are a lot of people.

People can say a lot with their hair, and Holly's hair is interesting . The style says that she is extraverted, and perhaps she's a little rebellious. Holly is looking directly at the camera. Her eye contact indicates that she is open and honest.

She's wearing comfortable, hippy-style clothes . Maybe money isn't very important to her. Her colours and her personality are natural and warm.

My first impressions of Jason it that he is shy, but he's probably a warm and sensitive friend. . Holly is more natural and open , and extroverted.Are they a couple? Yes , it's possible. Opposites attract!
dishonest or because he's shy ?People who wear black are sometimes a little cold, but I think that Jason is artistic. Look at his shoes and his watch; he definitely likes things which are stylish and modern.

Holly seems relaxed. She's probably happy in places where there are a lot of people.

People can say a lot with their hair, and Holly's hair is interesting . The style says that she is extraverted, and perhaps she's a little rebellious. Holly is looking directly at the camera. Her eye contact indicates that she is open and honest.

She's wearing comfortable, hippy-style clothes . Maybe money isn't very important to her. Her colours and her personality are natural and warm.

When we meet people, we usually from a first impressions.
We look at them and we decide things about their personality.
Experts say that we from an opinion about a person in approximately seventeen seconds. After that , our opinion doesn't usually change. In this article, an expert describes her first impressions of two people at a party.

Jason looks tense. He definitely isn't comfortable in this situation. I think that he's shy and sensitive. He's probably friendly with people when he knows them . Jason isn't looking at the camera. He's got long, dark hair and he's hiding behind it. Is he hiding his eyes because he's dishonest or because he's shy ?

People who wear black are sometimes a little cold, but I think that Jason is artistic. Look at his shoes and his watch; he definitely likes things which are stylish and modern.

Holly seems relaxed. She's probably happy in places where there are a lot of people.

People can say a lot with their hair, and Holly's hair is interesting . The style says that she is extraverted, and perhaps she's a little rebellious. Holly is looking directly at the camera. Her eye contact indicates that she is open and honest.

She's wearing comfortable, hippy-style clothes . Maybe money isn't very important to her. Her colours and her personality are natural and warm.

My first impressions of Jason it that he is shy, but he's probably a warm and sensitive friend. . Holly is more natural and open , and extroverted.Are they a couple? Yes , it's possible. Opposites attract

Z góry dzięki;))

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    nie chce mi się, tak samo jak i tobie ;P


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nasto_15 Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tego tekstu;) Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 3 rozwiązania autor: nasto_15 9.5.2010 (20:02)
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