Treść zadania
Autor: OdiDesign Dodano: 7.6.2010 (22:47)
Potrzebuję na środę (więc bez pośpiechu) opisać sport, z tego co nam nauczycielka zadała, mamy napisać po angielsku co można w sporcie robić, czego nie można, np: podczas treningów na siłowni trzeba przestrzegać odpowiedniej diety; przy treningach do biegów maratońskich trzeba biegać kilka godzin dziennie, itp. zadanie nie musi być bardzo długie, myśle że wystarczy ok 1 strona a5.
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Dodlina86 7.6.2010 (22:59)
Many people see sports as an example, volleyball, football or basketball, but these are sports.
Sport is a certain physical effort, which made for the purpose of recreation or competition with others. It is very important in the life of man, because as we know them from the movement today is an absolute necessity in our lives. Sport very well affect our health, you should remember, because more and more often we find situations where many children rather than move in the yard, will sit out the entire time before the computer or TV set.
The sport has a rivalry, but not always and it is most important here. First of all, the same desire, to the fact that we wanted to take this effort is very important. Already years we are from young scholars competition, when the lessons of Physical Education, we shall fight with other colleagues to be called the best Runner, or the best szachisty, then usually forget for a moment that these are our friends and fight with them about as the best position, but we can never lose sight of the fact that the fighting must be fair play!
Sport is a phenomenon of life. Written on the history of mankind. Therefore, you can talk about it, it can be grown, you can also rest with him. From the medical point of view it is the nature of healing and rehabilitation. It may also become a source of life and its meaning. Sam is a fun sport, which is the highest expression of human activity. Sport is a cultural body. Shapes the values vital, of which the most important thing is health. Concern about the health affects the way of practicing the various sporting disciplines other than professional sports, which is another source of incentive. On a social sport should be subject to the rules of social life in general. Sport is part of human activity. This includes various types of value-egzystencjalno economic ludyczne and ideologically-moral, which must eventually be acquired through socialization and education. Massive dimension of sport is confirmed by the identification of individual nations and states. The reason for this is that each discipline has its geographical and cultural cradle. Transmitted boundaries, sport becomes a vehicle for different values, which in the end bring people among themselves. In this expresses the function of the unification of humanity. This dimension of the phenomenon of sport is particularly demonstrated by the show olimpiadach. They present themselves as a great feast with an international dimension. These are the holidays that brings hope of peace with each other. In addition to the significant benefits of sport must also indicate the risk they can be noted. The primary threat is unhealthy competition, commercialism, social divisions. Sport is like maintaining standards of beauty of human body. Another indicator of the aesthetic beauty of sport is traffic sportsman. The quality of traffic carried out gives the observer important aesthetic experience. These and other expressions of beauty sport are directly related to the cultivated discipline sport. On the beauty of sport is also impact the way in individual sports, art, symbolism and mythology of sport. He show experiences and patterns of behavior, causing states and rapturous admiration, affect the whole person.
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