Treść zadania


Proszę o rozwiązanie na jutro !!! Pilnee....

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
0 You can’t to smoke here.
_________________You can't smoke here_____________________
1 I didn’t had to get up early yesterday – there
was no school!
2 Were your sister allowed to come home after
11 p.m. when she was 17?
3 I not have to do French at school this year.
4 We not allowed to chew gum in the classroom.
5 She can’t go out on Saturday night when she
was 15.

Tak jak na przykładzie

Rewrite the sentences using can, can’t, be
allowed to, be not allowed to, have to or not have
to in the present or in the past. Do not change
the meaning of the original sentences.

0 It’s not necessary to take an umbrella.
You __________________________________ .
1 Parking is not permitted here.
You __________________________________ .
2 It’s not necessary for Susan to study History
Susan ____________________________ .
3 It wasn’t necessary to bring so much food.
You __________________________________ .
4 When Tom was six, it was necessary for him to
sleep 11 hours every night.
When Tom was six he ___________________ .
5 It’s necessary to wash your hands before
You __________________________________

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • antekL1

    0 It’s not necessary to take an umbrella.
    You don't have to take an umbrella.

    1 Parking is not permitted here.
    You are not allowed to park here. lub
    You can't park here. [ ale po pierwsze jest chyba lepiej ]

    2 It’s not necessary for Susan to study History tonight.
    Susan doesn't have to study History tonight.

    3 It wasn’t necessary to bring so much food.
    You didn't have to bring so much food.

    4 When Tom was six, it was necessary for him to sleep 11 hours every night.
    When Tom was six he had to sleep 11 hours every night.

    5 It’s necessary to wash your hands before meals.
    You have to wash your hands before meals.

    Nie jestem anglistą, nie gwarantuję poprawności :)

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