Treść zadania
Autor: malenkaxd Dodano: 6.10.2014 (18:42)
Zad1... przeczytaj poniższe informacje o programach telewizyjnych. Do każdego z podanych zdań przyporządkuj opis programu. (A-E). Każda litera może być
użyta wiecej niż jeden raz. przypożątkuj litery do liczb.
A) A new series on Channel 4 begins in September and will be taking a look at the history of some of our oldest museums and art galleries. It runs for six weeks, and is sure to be popular with those of us who enjoy learning about architecture. The presenter is Julian Golding, an admired architect, and his guide to these magnificent buildings will be fascinating.
B)on Channel 11 next weekend, giving viewers another chance to see this controversial film. Actors Kevin Bartlett and Donna Murs star in this unusual interpretation of the classic play and have both received high praise from the critics for their roles.
C )There are various reasons for this. Some are being restored, while others are being displayed at exhibitions in other countries. A new do these paintings and explain what has been happening to them.
D) judges will give their votes in the final of this eight-week competition on Saturday evening. There is still time to phone in with your choice. The programme will also feature performances from two of
E) Five famous actors have the opportunity to discuss and read their favourite poems from the 20th century on Channel 5 this Wednesday. Viewers may be surprised at some of their choices, but the programme is definitely one not to be missed. The second part of the programme will continue after
5.1 The performers have received admirable reviews.
5.2 In this programme, the viewers can influence what happens.
5.3 In this programme, we will learn from an expert on the subject.
5.4 The participants in this programme will do more than one activity.
5.5 There have been mixed reactions to this programme.
5.6 This programme explains the recent history of some famous items.
zad2. przeczytaj i napisz które zdanie jest prawdziwe a które fałszywe.
Have you ever felt very sad for some reason and experienced a real pain in your heart? If s not alone. Doctors say that this is quite a normal reaction to strong emotions, and is what first
have an effect on us mentally, but do not realise that these things can affect us in other ways too, particularly as a heavy, tight sensation in our chests.
One reason for this is that the same area of the brain is active when we experience sadness as when we experience physical pain. When our heart phys feel the this happens, but recent surveys have suggested that it is related to the activity of the vagus nerve, which starts in the brain and travels through the neck and chest to the abdomen. When this nerve is activated, it can make us feel pain in these areas of the body.
Another reason why our bodies respond to extreme sadness physically is that the brain sends a lot of hormones round our bodies in times of stress. These are supposed to help us react quickly when
, and the hormones keep travelling around our bodies, we may get swollen muscles that can lead to headaches, a stiff neck and that terrible tight feeling in the chest. For some people, it can have an effect on their digestive systems, and cause upset stomachs too.
The best answer to such problems is to learn relaxation techniques, and also do some exercise. This
thing to do is isolate yourself, as both mental and physical symptoms will get worse. As one friend of mine told me, after a severe break-up with her partner: at the sky and breathe deeply. This loosens up all my neck and heart muscles. I that sad, and have a cold feeling inside your chest, look up at the ceiling and breathe deeply. People
Przy każdej cyfrze napisz : P F
6.1 Most people are aware that strong emotions can cause physical pain.
6.2 The vagus nerve may be responsible for causing us heart pain.
6.3 Some hormones sent from the brain can cause headaches and stomach problems.
6.4 We recover more quickly from sadness or stress if we go to see a doctor.
6.5 This extract is from an official medical textbook.
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