Treść zadania


10/29 un beat2

Complete each mini-dialogue with a phrase from the box.

Never mind, sure, no problem.,can i help you?.
see you later. how much are they?

A:Hi Rachel. How are you?
B: Im fine, thanks. How are you?
A: I like these shoes. B:__
A: Can you close the dos,please?
B: ___
A:See you on Friday ? B: Yes,OK___
A: I'm Sorry. I can't he;[ ypi. I'm late for school. B: OK___
B: Yes, have you got any batteries?

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • geo86

    A: I like these shoes.
    B: How much are they?

    A: Can you close the dos,please?
    B: Sure, no problem.

    A: See you on Friday ?
    B: Yes. See you later.

    A: I'm Sorry. I can't help you. I'm late for school.
    B: OK, never mind.

    A: Can i help you?
    B: Yes, have you got any batteries?

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