Treść zadania


Dear Tim,
How are things in London? Athens is great! The people hare are very friendly , but my Greek is not very good. I doesn't understand them when they speak Greek! They talks so fast! Mike speak Greek better thank me and he can understand what they says. Anyway, it's very hot and sunny today. We are at my uncle's house. He live with his wife, Kelly, in a beautiful villa! Kelly not work. She take care of their children. Talk to you soon, Anna

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  • magisterka

    Zakładam że trzeba to poprawić bo jest tu dużo błędów, ale następnym razem pisz polecenie. Tak powinna wyglądać poprawna wersja:

    Dear Tim,
    How are things in London? Athens is great! People here are very friendly , but my Greek is not very good. I don't understand them when they speak Greek! They talk so fast! Mike speaks Greek better than me and he can understand what they say. Anyway, it's very hot and sunny today. We are at my uncle's house. He lives with his wife, Kelly, in a beautiful villa! Kelly doesn't work. She takes care of their children. Talk to you soon, Anna

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