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    Robinson Crusoe was the son of a merchant, he lived with his family in the coastal city of York. Parents wanted to be the son of the best in life. Robinson loved them very much. However, dreams of travel and deep curiosity prevailed over love and dutifulness. Revolted against all, ignoring all rules. Decided to proceed to sea. During the trip to the Caribbean island, his ship crashed. Robinson was given to survive. When he woke up on the shore of an unknown island, looked around and found that the island is uninhabited
    As a young boy and teenager, Crusoe was stubborn, arrogant, and at the same credulous and curious world. Everything changed when it becomes the "face to face" the challenge of the island. There he fell into despair and laziness, but immediately began to organize life and to ensure the basic conditions for survival. He composed a systematic schedule. Reported annual calendars. Perform simple tools and basic items needed for life.
    After several years of hard school on the island changed a lot of its external appearance. Robinson became a high muscular and athletic man. His face opaliła out grown his hair and thick beard. On the island, he wore clothes sewn from animal hides. He was also part of the European costumes with a broken vessel "Diana". Thanks to their hard work and stubbornness, he built a house
    and enclosure. Mental strength and independence helped him survive many years on the island. With sensitivity, Crusoe rescued from the hands of the native cannibals, to whom he gave the name Piętaszek. The protagonist of the book of Daniel Defoe with a young boy became a strong, persistent and brave man. The hard school of life has allowed him to appreciate the value of returning to their homeland, after long years spent alone on a desert island
    I chose this character as a model, because even though he was on a desert island, he was able to deal with. Not only survived but also not mentally collapsed. If I were in his place, certainly would not be so brave. I admire people who succeed in life. I think that Robinson is a role model for boys of my age

    Nie wiem czy to dobrze !!! ;D


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