Treść zadania


Ostatnio miewałam wiele snów, lecz jednak nie odgrywały one wielkiej roli w moim życiu. Jednak wczoraj przysniło mi się coś niesamowitego. Wieczorem przed zaśnięciem myślałam o moim pierwszym dniu w szkole. Było juz bardzo poźno i zmusiłam się do snu, by przypadkiem nie zaspać pierwszego dnia do szkoły. Kiedy już z trudem zasnęłam przed moimi oczyma stanął obraz samej mnie. Przeraziłam się! Gdy poszłam do łazienki w lustrze ujżałam nie wyspaną dziewczyną z twarzą z nowymi pryszczami, włosami nieogarniętmi. Miałam worki pod oczami. I do tego czułam się tak senna, że nie mogłam utrzymać sie na nogach. Musziałam spędzić wiele czsu na przeglądaniu sie w lustrze, bo jak zaczynałam myć zęby usłyszałam głos taty. który wołał bym sę pośpieszyła i zaraz wyjeżdzamy. nie wiedziałam co robić. Byłam w rozpaczy. Kiedy skończyłam poranną toaletę i weszłam do pokoj zobaczyłam ze nie mam w co się ubrać, wszystkie rzeczy były w pralni. Musiałam nałożyć jakieś stare cichu. Musiałam iść do szkoły. Ta myśl była najgorsza. Kiedy zeszłam na dół na śniadanie wszyscy zaczęli krzyczeć na mój widok, to było nie do zniesienia. NIe mogłam wytrzymać tego wrzasku, nie miałam gdzie się zchować. W tym momencie zadzwonił mój budzik który stał na stoliku obok łózka. Obudziłąm się całą spocona. Moje sny to chyba kontsrasty losów mojego życia, ponieważ pierwszy dzień w szkole był bardzo udany i poznałam nowych ludzi.

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    Recently, he had many dreams, but they did not play a huge role in my life. But yesterday I dreamed of something extraordinary. The evening before falling asleep thinking about my first day at school. It was very late and forced myself to sleep that you do not accidentally oversleep on the first day of school. When we went to sleep with difficulty in front of my eyes stood the very picture of me. Terrified! When I went to the bathroom in the mirror I saw the girl rested not with the face of new pimples, hair nieogarniętymi. I had bags under his eyes. And for that I felt so sleepy that I could not stay on his feet. I had to spend much time looking at herself in the mirror, because as I started to brush their teeth, I heard the voice of my dad. who called me to be hastened, and leaving immediately. I did not know what to do. I was in despair. When I finished my morning toilet and went into the room I saw I do not have what to wear, all things were in the laundry. I had to impose some old quietly. I had to go to school. This thought was the worst. When I went downstairs for breakfast everyone started shouting at me again, it was unbearable. I could not stand the screaming, I had no place to hide. At this point, my alarm clock rang who stood on the table next to the bed. I woke up all sweaty. My dream is probably contrasts the fate of my life, since the first day at school was very successful and met new people.


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    Recently, he had many dreams, but they did not play a huge role in my life. But yesterday I dreamed of something extraordinary. The evening before falling asleep thinking about my first day at school. It was very late and forced myself to sleep that you do not accidentally oversleep on the first day of school. When we went to sleep with difficulty in front of my eyes stood the very picture of me. Terrified! When I went to the bathroom in the mirror I saw the girl rested not with the face of new pimples, hair nieogarniętymi. I had bags under his eyes. And for that I felt so sleepy that I could not stay on his feet. I had to spend much time looking at herself in the mirror, because as I started to brush their teeth, I heard the voice of my dad. who called me to be hastened, and leaving immediately. I did not know what to do. I was in despair. When I finished my morning toilet and went into the room I saw I do not have what to wear, all things were in the laundry. I had to impose some old quietly. I had to go to school. This thought was the worst. When I went downstairs for breakfast everyone started shouting at me again, it was unbearable. I could not stand the screaming, I had no place to hide. At this point, my alarm clock rang who stood on the table next to the bed. I woke up all sweaty. My dream is probably contrasts the fate of my life, since the first day at school was very successful and met new people.

  • userphoto

    Recently, he had many dreams, but they did not play a huge role in my life. But yesterday I dreamed of something extraordinary. The evening before falling asleep thinking about my first day at school. It was very late and forced myself to sleep that you do not accidentally oversleep on the first day of school. When we went to sleep with difficulty in front of my eyes stood the very picture of me. Terrified! When I went to the bathroom in the mirror I saw the girl rested not with the face of new pimples, hair nieogarniętymi. I had bags under his eyes. And for that I felt so sleepy that I could not stay on his feet. I had to spend much time looking at herself in the mirror, because as I started to brush their teeth, I heard the voice of my dad. who called me to be hastened, and leaving immediately. I did not know what to do. I was in despair. When I finished my morning toilet and went into the room I saw I do not have what to wear, all things were in the laundry. I had to impose some old quietly. I had to go to school. This thought was the worst. When I went downstairs for breakfast everyone started shouting at me again, it was unbearable. I could not stand the screaming, I had no place to hide. At this point, my alarm clock rang who stood on the table next to the bed. I woke up all sweaty. My dream is probably contrasts the fate of my life, since the first day at school was very successful and met new people.

  • userphoto

    Recently, he had many dreams but they did not play a huge role in my life. But yesterday I dreamed of something extraordinary. The evening before falling asleep thinking about my first day at school. It was very late and forced myself to sleep that you do not accidentally oversleep on the first day of school. When we went to sleep with difficulty in front of my eyes stood the very picture of me. Terrified! When I went to the bathroom in the mirror ujżałam girl rested not with the face of new pimples, hair nieogarniętmi. I had bags under his eyes. And for that I felt so sleepy that I could not stay on his feet. Musziałam spend a lot of time sometimes for viewing in the mirror, because as I started to brush their teeth, I heard the voice of my dad. se who would cry and rushed at once we leave. I did not know what to do. I was in despair. When I finished my morning toilet and went into the room I saw I do not have what to wear, all things were in the laundry. I had to impose some old quietly. I had to go to school. This thought was the worst. When I went downstairs for breakfast everyone started shouting at me again, it was unbearable. I could not stand the screaming, I had no where to zchować. At this point, my alarm clock rang who stood on the table next to the bed. I woke up all sweaty. My dream is probably kontsrasty fate of my life, since the first day at school was very successful and met new people.

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    Since couple of days i had lots of dreams but they did not accompained to my life. However yesterday i had a dream about something amazing. Before i went to sleep i thought about my 1st day at school. It was very late so i had to force myself to sleep , therefore that i wouldn't oversleep my first day at school. When finally i went to sleep , in front of my eyes i saw my self , i was scared . When i went to bathroom in the mirror i saw the un-sleept well girl with lots of pimples and un did hair . And i wasn't feeling good. I had to spend a lot of time in front of this mirror because afterwards i heard my dads voice who was saying that i should fast forvard my self and we are nearly done. I didn't know what to do, i was despair . When i fnished the early morning toilet i had to dress up with some older clothes. I had to go to school. That thought was the worse. When i finally came downstairs everyone was screaming at me because of my look. That was terrible. I coudn't stand the noise and i couldn't hide anywhere. In that very moment my bed clock went on and I woked up sweaty . My dreams i think could be opposites of my life , because the fist day at school was one of the best and i met new people

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