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Hi Pat ,

I'm visiting my Uncle Robert's school in Cape Town today .He's a teacher ang l'm in his class. His students are asking me about Manchester. They are really friendly. At the moment the students in Uncle Robert's class are writing about Machester ang l'm wating for lunch. They're wearing shorts ang traimers -it's verty hot here today. I don't usuwally wear skirts but right now I don't like wearing my jeans ! Outside, the sun's shining .A class is sitiing outside , They're all studying -actually I thing one of the boys is sleeping ! There ! The bell is ringing ringing and it's time for lunch.The boys outside is looking for his friends but they're rumning to lunch !

Please write to me !
All the best,

Fiona x

1 Napisz ,co robi kazda z tych osób przed dzwonkiem na przerwie

1 Class outside
2 The boys outside
3 The boy's firends

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