Treść zadania


Zapisz poprawnie zdania:
1.Did you sent me an e-mail yesterday?
2.What did you last Saturday evening?
3.We didn't took the driving test last Monday.
4.I make the beds yesterday morning.
5.The police officers catched the robbers last night.
6.The Women meet in the shopping centre last Sunday afternoon.
7.When did your grandparents travelled to Europe?
8.You didn't went to my birthday party.
9.Where you in Lima, Peru, last weekend?
10.I were near the band when they play in the amphiteatre last month.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1.Did you send me an e-mail yesterday?
    2.What did you do last Saturday evening?
    3. We didn't take the driving test last Monday.
    4. I made the beds yesterday morning.
    5. The police officers caught the robbers last night.
    6. The woman met in the shopping centre last Sunday afternoon.
    7. When did your parents travel to Europe?
    8. You didn't go to my birthday partty.
    9. Were you in Lima, Peru, last weekend?
    10. I was near the band when they play in the amphiteatre last mounth.


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