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Przydatność 50% Biography Jules Gabriel Verne

Jules Gabriel Verne was born in 1828, in Nantes, France. Jules' parents were of a seafaring tradition, one factor which influenced his writings. He is considered to be the founding father of science fiction with H.G. Wells. As a boy, Jules Verne ran off to be a cabin boy on a merchant ship, but he was caught and returned to his parents. In 1847 Jules was sent to study law in Paris. His uncle...

Przydatność 75% Biography of Jules Gabriel Verne.

Jules Gabriel Verne was famous French author. He wrote a lot of stories. Verne was born in Nantes, France in 1828. He studied law, but he worked as a stockbroker. Jules loved sailing. It was his hobby. He had three boats. Jules Gabriel Verne married in 1857 Honorine de Viane. They had son. Son?s name was Michael. Jules wrote science-fiction stories, like: ?Five weeks in a balloon?, ?A journey...

Przydatność 90% Jules Gabriel Verne

Most people are interested in reading science fiction books. One of the famous author, known as the grandfather of science fiction is Jules Gabriel Verne. Although he was famous, not many people can tell about his biography. He was born into a respectable middle ? class family in Nates in 1828. As a child, he had a wonderful life. When he was seven he started school. Jules Gabriel Verne...

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W tym miesiącu ... Nicole Kidman Odpowiemy na Twoje pytania o jej młodości. Is Nicole Australijczyk czy AMERICAN Sam Rowle, bristol Ma podwójne obywatelstwo. Urodziła się w Stanach Zjednoczonych, ale jej rodzice byli Australii. Mieszkała w Sydney, Australia, w wieku od czterech. I SAW WYWIAD Z NICOL ostatniego tygodnia, ale nie rozmawiałem o swoim dzieciństwie. Czy ona jak...

Przydatność 70% Juliusz Verne

Juliusz Gabriel Verne urodził się 8 lutego 1828 r. w Nantes, na wyspie Feydeau. Był najstarszym z pięciorga dzieci adwokata, Piotra Verne’a i Zofii Naniny Henrietty de Fuye, pochodzącej z arystokratycznej rodziny. W 1838 roku, otrzymawszy już gruntowne wykształcenie w domu, rozpoczyna naukę w Seminarium Świętego Donata w Nantes. Od zawsze fascynowały go morskie podróże. W wieku...

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