Treść zadania


1.Postopniuj podane przymiotniki:poisonous,large,happy,bad,tall
2.Przetłumacz po angielsku:Jaki rozmiar nosisz?,
Czy mogę to przymierzyc?,Szukam butów.,Jle to kosztuje?,Czy to jest wystarczająco duże?,
3.Utwórz zdania wykorzystując konstrukcję z 'than'
5.eating appies/good/eating chocolate
Eating apples...........................................
6.action films/exciting/romances
Action films...........................................
7.not trying/bad/not winning
Not trying..............................................

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Podaj przykładowe zdanie.

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  • magisterka

    1. poisonous - more poisonous - the most poisonous
    large - larger - the largest
    happy - happier - the happiest
    bad - worse - the worst
    tall - taller - the tallest

    2. What size are you ?
    Could I try it on ?
    I'm looking for shoes.
    How much is it ?
    Is that big enough ?

    3. Gold is more expensive than silver.
    Humans are more intelligent than dogs.
    Books are heavier than newspapers.
    Trains are faster than buses.
    Eating apples is better than eating chocolate.
    Action films are more exciting than romances.
    Not trying is worse than not winning.
    Lions are stronger than cheetahs.

    Czasownik 'have to' oznacza 'musieć' i używamy go gdy mówimy o tym że ktoś musi coś zrobić, np:
    I have to wash the dishes.
    Do you have to go to school ?
    They don't have to agree.

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