Treść zadania


Prosze o przetlumaczenie tego na jezyk angielski :

Na wakacjach byłem w Łebie na obozie sportowym. Pierwszego dnia zapoznaliśmy się ze starszymi kolegami, oni tam pokazali cały ośredek, po rozpakowaniu się poszliśmy z nimi grać w nogę mecz był zacięti i skończył się remisem. Następnego dnia po śniadaniu poszliśmy na basen i ścigaliśmy się ze starszymi robiąc zawody na długim dystansie przegraliśmy, lecz w nurkowaniu wygraliśmy. Po basenie poszliśmy grać a to w nogę, a to w siatę tak przez prawie 2 tygodnie. ostatniej nocy poszliśmy na dyskotekę którą sami z kumplami zorganizowaliśmy było super dużo jedzenia, picia oraz były starsze koleżanki . Po dyskotece o 4 rano poszliśmy spać a o 10 śniadanie i pakowanie się a o 11.00 wyjazd do domu. Nie zapomnę tych wakacjii, mam nadzieję że w przyszłym roku też pojadę.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • nitkalitka4

    I was on vacation in Leba on the sports camp. The first day we got acquainted with older colleagues, they showed the whole resort there, we went out of the box to play with them in the leg game was jammed and ended in a draw. The next day after breakfast we went to the pool and raced with older games making long distance we lost, but we won in diving. When we went to play pool and a leg, and that in the dozen so for almost 2 weeks. last night we went to the disco with my friends that we organized was great plenty of eating, drinking, and they were pre-teens. After the disco at 4 am went to bed by 10 breakfast and packing up 11.00 ao go home. Do not forget the holidays and I hope that next year it will go.

    • Idz z tym translatorem!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • userphoto

    I was on vacatio n in Loeba on the sports camp. The first day we got acquainted with older colleagues, they showed the entire ośredek there, we went out of the box to play with them in the leg and the match was zacięti ended in a draw. The next day after breakfast we went to the pool and raced with older games making long distance we lost, but we won in diving. When we went to play pool and a leg, and that in the dozen so for almost 2 weeks. last night we went to the disco with my friends that we organized was great plenty of eating, drinking, and they were pre-teens. After the disco at 4 am went to bed by 10 breakfast and packing up 11.00 ao go home. Do not forget those wakacjii, I hope that next year it will go.

    • Ty tEz!!!!

  • mirkaj1

    I was on vacation in Leba on the sports camp. The first day we got acquainted with older colleagues, they showed the entire ośredek there, we went out of the box to play with them in the leg and the match was zacięti ended in a draw. The next day after breakfast we went to the pool and raced with older games making long distance we lost, but we won in diving. When we went to play pool and a leg, and that in the dozen so for almost 2 weeks. last night we went to the disco with my friends that we organized was great plenty of eating, drinking, and they were pre-teens. After the disco at 4 am went to bed by 10 breakfast and packing up 11.00 ao go home. Do not forget those wakacjii, I hope that next year it will go.

    • Ty Tez!!!!

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