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Napisz kilka zdań o krokodylu:co je, ile ma cm, gdzie mieszka, w jakiej temperaturze może żyć czy można go trzymać w domu oraz czy jest fajnym zwierzem...:]
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    A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead as the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all members of the order Crocodilia: i.e. the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the gharials (family Gavialidae), or even the Crocodylomorpha which includes prehistoric crocodile relatives and ancestors.

    Member species of the family Crocodylidae are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodiles tend to congregate in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water. They feed mostly on vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals, sometimes on invertebrates like mollusks and crustaceans, depending on species. They are an ancient lineage, and are believed to have changed little since the time of the dinosaurs. They are believed to be 200 million years old whereas dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago; crocodiles survived great extinction events.


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    Crocodiles (Crocodilia) - Government of reptiles, birds, the only addition to the contemporary representatives of the archosaurs (Archosauria) and the only living representatives of the clade Crurotarsi. Today is represented by three families: krokodylowatych, aligatorowatych and gawiali. Different families are different mouth shape and the number and arrangement of teeth. They live in tropical, subtropical and temperate in all continents except Europe and Antarctica.

    They are animals of jaszczurowatym shaped body covered with bony shields, with jaws bearing teeth embedded in zębodołach. Body finished strongly developed and muscular tail. Two pairs of short, strong legs, with the front toes are free, clipped the rear are fully or partially floating membrane. Hemihydrate lead lifestyles. They can, unlike other reptiles, make loud noises. They are oviparous. Eggs made on land.

    Reptilian features are built diapsydalna (two pits temporal) massive skull broad and elongated. The box is missing the cerebral parietal eye opening. Internal nostrils shifted back to the throat during swallowing easier breathing. Numerous, conical teeth on the edge of the jaw and jaw occur each for himself which allows closing the mouth. The spine built from coils of shafts przodowklęsłych in number from 67 to 69

    Tail and limbs
    Tail well muscled, laterally flattened serves as a driving while swimming. Hind feet are larger, more muscular and ended with four fingers spiętymi pławnymi membranes. The front legs end five fingers without pławnych membranes.
    Crocodylus niloticus
    Crocodile Skull

    Teeth are embedded tekodontycznie ie zębodołach. Throughout his life, crocodile teeth are in excellent condition. When a bad tooth falls out, in its place grows a new one. Different families are different arrangement of teeth. Crocodiles appropriate, or Crocodile, depending on the species have from 28 to 32 teeth in the jaw and usually from 32 to 36 in the mandible. After closing the mouth lips hide behind the biggest addition. In 40 teeth, jaw alligator hides in crevices of the upper jaw teeth. The biggest fall in four bays deep in the bone międzyszczękowej. Gharial have 51 teeth of the same shape and size, of which 24 in the maxilla and 27 in the mandible.

    Sensory organs
    They have external ear.

    Ja mam leprze dostane 10??

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    Crocodile is a large reptile that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodiles tend to congregate in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water. They feed mostly on vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals, sometimes on invertebrates like mollusks and crustaceans, depending on species.
    Size greatly varies between species, from the dwarf crocodile to the saltwater crocodile. Species of Palaeosuchus and Osteolaemus grow to an adult size of just 1 metre (3.3 ft) to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft). Larger species can reach over 4.85 metres (15.9 ft) long and weigh well over 1,200 kilograms (2,600 lb).
    Crocodile is a very dangerous animal so it's better not to hold them at home :-)

  • userphoto

    Crocodile-Government of reptiles, birds, the only addition to the contemporary representatives of archosaurs (Archosauria) and the only living representatives of the clade Crurotarsi. Today is represented by three families: krokodylowatych, aligatorowatych and gawiali. Different families are different mouth shape and the number and arrangement of teeth. They live in tropical, subtropical and temperate in all continents except Europe and Antarctica. These are animals of jaszczurowatym shaped body covered with bony shields, with jaws bearing teeth embedded in zębodołach. Body finished strongly developed and muscular tails. Two pairs of short, strong legs, with the front toes are free, clipped the rear are fully or partially floating membrane. Hemihydrate lead lifestyles. They can, unlike other reptiles, make loud noises. They are oviparous. Eggs made on land.

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