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Prosze o przetlumaczenie angielskiego tekstu na jezyk polski. Bardzo potrzebne!

Global warming is happening and some people still think it's not happening which is just fine, but even they have to admit the climate is changing. The planet constantly altering, we have to decide what we will do to adapt. Animals and plants are already changing the way they act by blooming and migrating sooner. With technology constantly changing, new variables are added to this equation of global warming that pessimistic scientists must take into consideration before they doom the planet. Now, for all those skeptics who think global warming doesn't exist, here are 5 facts about global warming.

1. The Planets Temperature Has Increased And Average of 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree Celsius) in the last 100 years. With the increase in green house gasses, the suns rays stay trapped and increase the world's temperature. It is predicted that the temperature will increase in coming years because more and more of the suns heat remains trapped here on earth.

2 The cause of the increase of climate change is Human activity producing pollution and green house gasses according to many scientists. Heavy industry vigorously emits carbon dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone, and other gasses. With an increase in competition to create the most products of the best quality comes an increase in the production of green house gasses, but with new laws and filters, the amount of these gasses being emitted into the air has decreased.

3. If the temperature of the planet increases to a certain point, methane from the ocean can be released into the air and drastically increase the temperature of the earth to dangerous levels. This is not to scare anyone and may not even have to do with global warming or human green house gas production, however scientists believe methane released from the ocean ended the Permian era, killed off countless land and sea creatures, and raised the temperature of the planet considerably.

4. People say that deforestation is a contributor to global warming right? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), deforestation occurs at a rate of 53,000 square miles per year. This can negatively affect the atmosphere since trees are 50% carbon as well as cause environmental problems for the land which is used to having large forests on it.

5. There are more than 50 things you can do to stop or slow global warming including, lowering your thermostat, choosing energy efficient appliances and, taking showers instead of baths. Every little thing you can do to prevent energy from being wasted can help decrease the effect of human interaction with the earth's climate. Global warming or not, preventing the waste of energy doesn't hurt anyone.

Weather you believe humans are causing global warming or it is a natural occurrence that will pass, you still have to be aware of its effect on the world. Do some homework and learn about both sides of the debate. Now is the time when this topic is at its peak so it will help you to know a few facts.

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