Treść zadania


Proszę o rozwiązanie na niedziele 15. 04. 2012

proszę o obliczeniaa!

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Podobne zadania

Awarenez matematyka..prosz pomocy Przedmiot: Matematyka / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: Awarenez 4.9.2010 (20:49)

Podobne materiały

Przydatność 100% Rozprawka na temat-plusy i minusy pracowania w niedziele

working on sundays is a standart thing which a lot of people all around the world do nowadays.when we hear such word as "work"we usually think about tiredness,making money or just missing another makes a very huge contrast with word "sunday" which unites with resting,relax and doing nothing special.however a juxtaposision of these two words is using very often today.working on sunday...

Przydatność 100% Szef prosi Cie o przyjście w niedziele do pracy: -zgłoś sprzeciw i uzasadnij, -zaproponuj zastępstwo, -zgódź się na kompromis

Sorry Boss , but I can't come to work on sunday , because Im going to visit my grandmother in Warsaw. Paula is free on sunday so, maybe you should ask her if she wants to work. I can come to work , and be here only to 1p.m. Later I have to go to train station.

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