Treść zadania


witam mam problem z rozwiązaniem dwóch zadań proszę pomoc:w miejsce kropek trzeba wpisać coś( dodaję załącznik strona 48 i 49(ćw 71, 73)
1.your young brother breaks his favorite toy train. you offer to buy him another one. what do you say......... ? and your sister arranged to go shopping tommorow a friend invites you to lunch what do you say?.....
i cant come ..............................
3.youre flying to ahtens this afternoon. your mother wants to know that you have arrived safely. your offer to telephone her this evening want do you say.
4.. your brother tony and his wife, Rachel come to dinner once a week at your house tonight is the night what do you say your mother...... dotn forget that......................
5.frank wants to go the cinema to see black nights its a horror film and you know he doesnt like horror films what do yo say to him. i dont think .................................................
6. julia want to know about your weekend plans. what doess she ask you?...............................
7. your plan is stay at home all weekend what do you say to julia?......................................

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • magisterka

    1. Don't worry bro, I'll buy you another toy.
    2. I can't come, because I am meeting my sister and we're going shopping.
    3. I'll call you this evening.
    4. Don't forget that Tony and Rachel are coming to dinner tonight.
    5. I don't think you're going to like it.
    6. What are you doing at the weekend ?
    7. I'm going to stay at home all weekend.

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