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opis pokoju (z użyciem There is/ are)
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  • czarna1025

    My room is very big. I like my room because it has plenty of space and I do not like to clean up because it takes me a long time. The walls of my room are orange and one walls red, the ceiling is green, and the floor is brown. There are two lamps on the wall. There is a table and next to two chairs in the middle of the room. The table is covered with a green tablecloth and there is a vase of beautiful flowers on it. The third lamp hangs over the table. On the right there are two paintings on the wall. One of them depicts the sea and the other shows the mountains. There is also a bed along that wall. There is a window and balcony door in the room. A bookcase stands next to the door. The window is large and thus my room is bright. The whole of the furniture is brown. There are also two comfortable armchairs by the window. The floor is covered with a carpet. Apart from the balcony door there is also another door in the room. My room is cosy and I like being in it very much.

    Możesz ewentualnie dodać jeszcze coś lub pozmieniać na coś, co na prawdę masz w pokoju.

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