Treść zadania


zad1 do wyboru
a) Opisz pocztówkę z ferii lub
b) opisz co robiłeś w ferie
na 150-180 słów

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    During the winter holidays I was taking care of my grandmother. I had this lovely opportunity to spend a few weeks with my grannie face to face - you know - staying in one flat almost all the time. I must confess that it didn ' t go as smoothly as I thought it would go. This is because my grandma is a kind of loner who doesn ' t like to spend much time with family. She has lived for 9 years alone and I guess she found it difficult to change her habits - you know - a person used to living alone develops her own habits. That ' s my dear old woman. During these several weeks I noticed that she missed company - despite the general impression she seemed to be making. Eavery day I watched KLAN with my grandmamma and she really enjoyed these evening sessions - I was going to her room, turning the TV on and just watching. Sometimes I was just sitting there and wondering about my granny - if she is happy - why she is such a grumbler. Now I realise that watching KLAN with her was a pleasure to me because I know that she liked it. My grandame often comments on during a TV series what is really disturbing.
    What 's more, during the winter holidays I was taking care of my 2 cats. I had to feed them, take them outside and then let them in. I often opened the window and cats just went out or in through it. Also, I was reading books and watching VIVA on TV. However, most of the time I spent sitting in front of my computer which I now regret. I wish I hadn't spent so much time by computer.
    My winter holidays were definitely too short. If only we could prolong free time. This is something we have no control over and you know what - it ' s quite a funny thing this free time: when we are busy - we long for rest because we feel tired and when we have free time - we can ' t use it in a good way. I think we shouldn ' t be slaves of our habits. We should engage more in the community life, human relations and our family life. Spending time with our relatives - this is important. Other things may wait.

    • nie oto mi chodziło . Chodziło mi jak spędziłam ferie gdzieś w górach albo gdzieś indziej


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