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Wieża Eiffla

Położenie: Paryż, Francja
Czas powstania

1887 – 1889


Koszt budowy

1,5 miliona dolarów

300 metrów (985 stóp)

1,6 ha

Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel
Opis obiektu

Wieżę Eiffla wybudowano z okazji wystawy światowej zorganizowanej na stuletnią rocznicę rewolucji francuskiej. Wieża posłużyła jako brama wejściowa na tereny wystawy.

Nazwano ją od nazwiska jej budowniczego, francuskiego inżyniera budowy mostów Aleksandra Gustawa Eiffla.

Budowla składa się z ponad 18000 elementów połączonych ze sobą ponad 2,5 milionami nitów i waży około 10500 ton.

Najwyższą wieżę świata zbudował zespół 250 mężczyzn w tempie, które uznano za fenomenalne.

Na pierwszym piętrze znalazła się restauracja, a na drugim tarasie, na wysokości 116 metrów miała biuro gazeta Le Figaro. Na trzeci taras prowadzą windy oraz schody.

Wieża jest odmalowywana co 7 lat, zużywa się na to 50 ton ciemno-brązowej farby.

Od czasu otwarcia budowli do dziś wieżę odwiedziło ponad 167 milionów ludzi. Corocznie budowla przyciąga 3 miliony ludzi.

Nazwiska 72 francuskich naukowców i sławnych ludzi umieszczone są na około budowli, po 18 nazwisk z każdej strony.

Licząc od samej ziemi jest 347 stopni do pierwszej platformy, 674 stopnie do drugiej i 1710 stopni do małej platformy na szczycie wieży.

W przejrzysty i bezchmurny dzień możliwe jest zobaczenie ze szczytu wieży Eiffli terenów położonych o 42 mile w każdą stronę.

Wieża Eiffla jest dwa razy wyższa od Monumentu Waszyngtona i waży 70000 ton więcej.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    Eiffel Tower

    Location: Paris, France
    Rise time

    1887 - 1889


    Construction cost

    $ 1.5 million

    300 meters (985 feet)

    1.6 hectares

    Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel

    The Eiffel Tower was built to celebrate the world exhibition held at the century-old anniversary of the French Revolution. The tower served as the gateway to the exhibition grounds.

    It was called after the name of its builder, the French engineer building bridges Alexander Gustave Eiffel.

    The building consists of over 18,000 elements interconnected by more than 2.5 million rivets and weighs about 10,500 tons.

    The highest tower of the World team of 250 men was built at a rate which is considered phenomenal.

    On the first floor was a restaurant, and on the second terrace at an altitude of 116 meters took office newspaper Le Figaro. On the third terrace leading elevators and escalators.

    The tower is pictured at 7 years, it consumes 50 tons of dark brown paint.

    Since the opening of the building to this day the tower was visited by over 167 million people. Each year, the building attracts 3 million people.

    The names of 72 French scientists and famous people are placed around the building, the 18 names on each side.

    Counting from the ground is 347 degrees to the first platform, 674 degrees to 1,710 degrees and the other to a small platform at the top of the tower.

    In a clear and cloudless day it is possible to see from the top of the tower Eiffli areas located about 42 miles in each direction.

    Eiffel tower is two times higher than the Washington monument and weighs 70,000 tons more.

    Myślę , że pomogłem ;D


  • karexbdg

    Eiffel Tower

    Location: Paris, France
    Rise time

    1887 - 1889


    Construction cost

    1,5 million U.S. dollars

    300 meters (985 feet)

    1.6 hectares

    Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel

    The Eiffel Tower was built on the occasion of an exhibition held at the world's one hundred year anniversary of the French Revolution. The tower served as the gateway to the exhibition grounds.

    It was called after the name of its builder, the French engineer building bridges Alexander Gustave Eiffel.

    The building consists of more than 18,000 elements are connected together over 2.5 million rivets and weighs about 10,500 tons.

    The highest tower of the World team of 250 men was built at a rate which is considered phenomenal.

    On the first floor was a restaurant, and on the second terrace at an altitude of 116 meters took office newspaper Le Figaro. On the third terrace leading elevators and escalators.

    The tower is pictured at 7 years, it consumes 50 tons of dark brown paint.

    Since the opening of the building to this day the tower was visited by over 167 million people. Each year, the building draws 3 million people.

    The names of 72 French scientists and famous people are placed around the building, the 18 names on each page.

    Counting from the ground is 347 steps to the first platform, 674 steps to the second and 1,710 steps to a small platform at the top of the tower.

    In a clear and cloudless day it is possible to see from the top of the tower Eiffli areas located about 42 miles in each direction.

    The Eiffel Tower is two times higher than the Washington monument and weighs 70,000 tons more.

  • userphoto

    Eiffel Tower

    Location: Paris, France
    Rise time

    1887 - 1889


    Construction cost

    1,5 million U.S. dollars

    300 meters (985 feet)

    1.6 hectares

    Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel

    The Eiffel Tower was built on the occasion of an exhibition held at the world a hundred years anniversary of the French Revolution. The tower served as the gateway to the exhibition grounds.

    It was called after the name of its builder, the French engineer building bridges Alexander Gustave Eiffel.

    The building consists of more than 18,000 elements are connected together over 2.5 million rivets and weighs about 10,500 tons.

    The highest tower of the World team of 250 men was built at a rate which is considered phenomenal.

    On the first floor was a restaurant, and on the second terrace at an altitude of 116 meters took office newspaper Le Figaro. On the third terrace leading elevators and escalators.

    The tower is pictured at 7 years, it consumes 50 tons of dark brown paint.

    Since the opening of the building to this day the tower was visited by over 167 million people. Each year, the building draws 3 million people.

    The names of 72 French scientists and famous people are placed around the building, the 18 names on each page.

    Counting from the ground is 347 steps to the first platform, 674 steps to the second and 1,710 steps to a small platform at the top of the tower.

    In a clear and cloudless day it is possible to see from the top of the tower Eiffli areas located about 42 miles in each direction.

    The Eiffel Tower is two times higher than the Washington monument and weighs 70,000 tons more.

Podobne zadania

olinkowa249 opis tygrysa po angielsku i polsku szybko !!!!!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: olinkowa249 8.4.2010 (18:37)
masuo pomożecie ? baardzo pilne na jutro ; D Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 3 rozwiązania autor: masuo 11.4.2010 (14:48)
BajTa Musze Napisac Po Angielsku Opis Budynku Ma Sie Tam Znajdowac Nazwa Z czego Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: BajTa 21.4.2010 (18:28)
mrowazgr Pilne na jutro Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: mrowazgr 21.4.2010 (19:55)
ania955 prosze przetlumaczcie mi to jest na jutro Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 15 rozwiązań autor: ania955 22.4.2010 (20:37)

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