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~Ola Kudrawiec

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    Miss Latino trip was bad from the beginning organized - it was clear that no one on this route has not checked previously by ITAKA. How can discover so much by doing so late breakfast? Cocoa plantation tour at night? I recommend! Can you explain what you see in the dark? Better attraction is a boat trip where everyone vomited :-) As for the darkness ... Why visit the joining of two rivers at 18 where you can not see that what was going on ... color of the water as it mixes so another positive accent! Another matter? Cave in repairs! I have not heard more nonsense! Looking from the other travel agencies and we visited and how the cave is 16 and we are under it by 17 it is no wonder with the "repair"! But the key ... trip to LTI! All inclusive! State after 10 minutes - the art - it's nothing, empty trays - it's nothing, it releases the food - it's, Topping water for juice - it's nothing, the most common problem is the lack of drinks or juice because it lacked lacked lacked alcohol or use! Yes No support themselves had to handle! On your question of whether it reported the YES! Residents told us to pay 400 € for a change in the hotel as we like. Feed was cheaper outside the hotel! Please think about on this trip before you buy one of Ithaca. People with Exim Tours saw more and cheaper. Regards, Jarek


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