Treść zadania


Wpisz nazwy miejsc w poniższych wypowiedziach.
1.We had four hours before our train so we put our bags in the I______ I______ office and went for a walk.
2.We had a nice bedroom and they gave us great food in the morning.We didn't need lunch because of all the eggs and sausages and other things.It was a great little b____ and b_____ place.
3.It was like a hotel but very small.A married couple owned it and their daughter helped with cleaning and cooking.I think f____ r_____ places are always very friendly.
4.When we arrived in France,we had no Euros so the first thing we had to do was go to the b_____ de c_____.
5.We walked for hours until we got to a height of about 1500 metres above sea level.We were so tired that it didn't matter that the m_____ s_____ was very basic.We just wanted to sleep

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

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    1)left luggage office
    2) bed and breakfast


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