Treść zadania


1.Do you think you all at all artistic ? In what ways
2.What is themost revolutionary invention you can think of? In what way did it change everyday life for people?
3. Did / do you enjoy studnying science at school?why?why not?

Błagam odpowiedzcie na te pytania po angielsku i nie tłumaczcie na polski tylko odrazu na ang>>> BŁAGAM

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Komentarze do zadania

  • 3. I think sience is one of the most important subjects in life becayse lets face it no one would know that car is moving by pushing the force of the foot on the pedal and that there is something like gravity , which is used to see how high you could jump because the gravity is pulling you down wards.
    Sience is used by All the living things on the planet every day ; respiration , brain thinking or even movement and growth

  • Karolina12 troche cienko hmm niech no pomyśle

    1. jest nie zrozumiewalna nawet dla stron angielskich wiec jaky ktos napisal to normalnie to moze bym zrozumiał ;)
    2. I think that Ferdinand Verbiest was one of the famous because he invented the "Cars" which i think was the best idea , however we all know that the smoke is going into the air but afterall he made transport from one place to another quicker which i think was most reasonable he could thought of.
    it made everyones life different by quicker transport , because lets face it ; would you really wanted now if you know that there are cars , travel by a horse? i do not think so ;d
    it helped a lot of people because there are now more cars than people on the world so they overtaken people , now they are faster stronger and more builded up , covered i guess no one wanted to drive on a rainy day with no roof on.
    Afterall he created the most using thing in the wolrd thats why i am pleased with his genial mind.

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