Treść zadania


Uzupełnij luki wpisujac czasownik z nawiasu w czasie past continuons lub past simple

A commercial jet that was flying from madrid to paris
..............(make) an emergency landing at Barcelona airport last night. Officials........(tell) reporters that smoke .............(come) from the engine soon after take off. The pilot.........(try) to contact air traffic control but couldn`t at first. At 10:59 pm he finally go throught and.................(tell) them that he..........(experience) engine problems.
He...........(land) the plane safely at 11:26 pm. None of the 129 passengers on board were injured or............(need) medical treatment. A passenger, Jamie Simons told the reporters We ..........(be) scared but no one ............(panic) The pilot and crew..........(keep) us all calm.

2.Ułóż zdania z rozsypanki w odpowiednim czasie patrząc na odpowiedz na pytania

1.Where / commercial jet / fly ?
B From Madrid to Paris

2.What / the officials / tell / the reporters?
B There were problems soon after take off

3.How many passengers / be / on board?
B 129 passengers

4.When & where / the pilot / land / plane?
B At Barcelona airport at 11:26 pm

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    A commercial jet that was flying from madrid to paris
    made an emergency landing at Barcelona airport last night. Officials told reporters that smoke came from the engine soon after take off. The pilot was trying to contact air traffic control but couldn`t at first. At 10:59 pm he finally go throught and..told them that he was experiencing engine problems.
    He landed the plane safely at 11:26 pm. None of the 129 passengers on board were injured or needed.medical treatment. A passenger, Jamie Simons told the reporters We were scared but no one panicked The pilot and crew was keeping us all calm.

    1.Where was the commercial jet flying to ?
    B From Madrid to Paris

    2.What did the officials told the reporters?
    B There were problems soon after take off

    3.How many passengers were on board?
    B 129 passengers

    4.When & where did the pilot land plane?
    B At Barcelona airport at 11:26 pm


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