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28 Randalls Road
Bringhton BN3 1HJ
14th April 2005

Dear Ivan,
Thank you for your letter. We're very happy that you're coming to stay with us in August, and we're sure you'll have a good time.

What time are you arriving at Gatwick airport? You can get a train to Brighton from there. Do you have a mobile phone? Then you can phone us when you're on the train, and we'll meet you at the station.

Could you also tell me a few more things about yourself? Is there anything you can't eat or drink? Do you smoke? Do you want a single room, or do you prefer to share a room with another student? Are you going to go back to Russia immediately after the end of the course? If not, how many more days are you going to stay with us?

Looking forward to heaving from you,
Best wishes.
Jane Sanders

PS. I'm sending you a photo of the family so you'll recognize us at the station.

Tak wygląda polecenie po angielsku:
Imagine you are going to stay with Mrs Sanders. Answer her letter using you own information. Remember to include your adress and the date.
Write three paragraphs:
1. Thank her for her letter.
2. Say when you are arriving, etc.
3. Answer her other questions.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    Dear Mr. Sanders
    I want to thank you for your letter.
    I am arriving at (data).Yes, I have a mobile phone and this is my number: (numer). If you could give me your number we would be in contact .
    I don't have specially diet or alergy, so I can eat and drink everything. I don't smoke and I can have a room with another student. I think that I will back to Russia immediately, I don't want to make a trouble.
    Thank you for photo.
    Yours faithfully


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