Treść zadania


PILNE!!! Na jutro!!

1. Znajdź błędy.
a) Terry is elder than me.
b) Last week I went to visit my own uncle in Bristol.
c) The students were hearing to their teacher explain the problem.
d) Paul went at work early today.

2. Przekształć tekst na stronę bierną.
Typhoon Amanda hit Southern China yesterday and killed at least 200 people. The strom caused considerable damage. No one knows yet how many people are now homeless. The Red Cross are sending representatives to hepl with the enormous clean-up job.

3. Przekształć na stronę bierną.
Late last night, two boys broke into the Lots and Lots of Toys store on Park Avenue. An employee had left a small windows open. Police believe that the boys climbed in through the window. They stole $2,500 worth of toys. The police have not found the boys yet.

Bardzo proszę o zrobienie mi tych zadań bo to na jutro. PILNE!!

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    1 a) older b) own nie powinno być wcale c) explaining d) to work
    2 Southern China were hit by Typhoon Amanda yesterday. At least 200 people were killed. Considerable damage was caused by the strom. It is not known yet how many people are now homeless. The Red Cross representatives are sent to help with the enormous clean-up job.
    3 Late last night, the Lots and Lots of Toys store on Park Avenue was broken into. A small window had been left open. The burglars are believed to have climbed in through the window. $2,500 worth toys had been stolen. The burglars haven't been found yet.


Podobne zadania

andzia2215 j. angielski - podanie o prace. pilne ! ;) Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: andzia2215 7.4.2010 (19:32)
masuo pomożecie ? baardzo pilne na jutro ; D Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 3 rozwiązania autor: masuo 11.4.2010 (14:48)
misiaczek221 Speech na poniedziałek PILNE BŁAGAM!! i nie proszę o przetłumaczenie Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: misiaczek221 11.4.2010 (19:18)
mrowazgr Pilne na jutro Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: mrowazgr 21.4.2010 (19:55)
ania955 prosze przetlumaczcie mi to jest na jutro Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 15 rozwiązań autor: ania955 22.4.2010 (20:37)

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