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Przepis na bigos po angielsku !!Pomóżcie prosze !!to ma byc napisane tak krok po kroku co trzeba robic

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    Take 1 cabbage. Shred it with a big knife into a bowl. Then, dice 2 onions, 1 sausage and about 200g of pork meat. Fry the onion in a warm oil a little bit and add the pork meat and fry it a few minutes. After that, add the sausage and fry it all a few minutes.

    Then, take 500 g of a sour cabbage and strain it out so that the juice is separated from the cabbage. Shred it a bit. Then mix the sour cabbage and the green (ordinary) cabbage in a pot. Stew it together in a medium gas / fire adding 3 spoons of oil. Leave it stewing.

    Then, still stewing the cabbage, add previously fried meat, onion and sausage. Add some spices: a pinch of salt, a pinch of natural pepper, a pinch of caraway seed, 2 bay leafs, 0,1 kg of dried mushrooms. Add also the soya sauce. Stew it all in a small gas / fire.

    You have to stew it over 2 hours. You can add a glass of red wine. Stew it until the colour is light brown and the flavour is good.


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