Treść zadania


Hej! Chcę zrobić film animowany. Mam zamiar narysować sama, nie na komputerze, ale nie wiem, jak to potem zmontować i zaanimować na kompie. Dajcie jakiś program (nie musi być darmowy, ale dobry), to ja dam wam naj.

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Recently I have watched a very interesting and moving film entitled “ The never in my life”. The film was the screening of a novel written by Katarzyna Grochola. The title role was played by Danuta Stenka, one of the best actors of our polish TV times. Other actors in the film are: Joanna Brodzik, Artur Żmijewski, Jan Frycz. The “ The never in my life” – hilarious romantic comedy...

Przydatność 65% Film

Genauso wie meine Altersgenossen sehe ich gern fern. Zu meinen beliebtesten Filmarten gehören: Spielfilme, Dokumentarfilme, Komödien, Kriminalfilm oder Sciencefictionfilme. Leider habe ich in der Woche kaum Zeit, um fernzusehen. Ich schaffe es nur, meine Lieblingsserie einmal in der Woche zu sehen. Ich meine die Serie „Doktor House“. Wenn ich aber am Wochenende mehr Zeit habe, sehe ich...

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I want to tell you about a movie, which will certainly turn your head. I remember when I saw it for the first time. Honestly I couldn't figure out the ending according to the first 30-40 minutes, which nowadays is something surprising. The title is Seven Pounds, directed by Gabriele Muccino. Firstly I would like to introduce the casting. Main character - Ben Thomas - played by Will Smith,...

Przydatność 100% Books and films

There are many sorts of entertainment in today’s life. One of them is watching films. Watching film is a very pleasant activity. If you watch a film you don’t have to think a lot - you only look at the screen. All ideas are presented in the film with the aid of pictures, sounds and actors’ playing. It’s different with books. When you are reading, you have to think, use your imagination...

Przydatność 50% Film "Lautrec"

Życie Henri Toulousa Lautreca, jednego z czołowych impresjonistów francuskiej bohemy artystycznej na pewno jest świetnym materiałem na film. Potomek arystokratycznej rodziny, wychowywany na szlachcica, z powodu bliskiego pokrewieństwa rodziców, kaleki. Opuszcza dom rodzinny aby resztę swojego życia spędzić wśród cyganerii ówczesnej Francji, w domach publicznych i kabaretach....

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