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Przydatność 75% Women and their rights

Women According to The Sex Discrimination Act it is against the law to discriminate against anyone in emploiment, training, education and in the supply of goods, facilities and services on the basis of theirsex. Nowadays for the words in advertisement like „ or you can be taken straight to the court. If an employer refuses to give a job to a...

Przydatność 100% Animal rights

Did we really have to carry on vivisection or eating animals? Aren`t all animals as equal as we are as living creatures? To these questions I can only give positive answers. First of all, on the issue of testing drugs on animals for side effects in human beings, as we know from the thalidomide case, it`s very difficult to predict what the effect of a drug will be on human beings - tests done...

Przydatność 100% Is vegetarianism right way of being?

A lot of people argue if vegetarianism is good for us or not. Many of them are for and the same number is against. In my opinion this way of being is great, because it’s not only a kind of a diet but something more sophisticated. First of all vegetarianism bases on life respect. Vegetarians don’t eat anything that meant an animal had to die (this includes: meat, poultry, fish and other...

Przydatność 50% A Violation of Rights

Every weekday, students go to school to receive an education. But this was not the case for Hazelwood East High School students in the Journalism II course. Rrecently, they learned the First Amendment\\\'s guaranteed rights-freedom speech and of the press-does not include school students in their class which produces the school newspaper. They were denied their right to learn when a principal...

Przydatność 65% How to negotiate the right salary?

When you're involved in a salary discussion, think of the figure you want, add on some more, tell your interviewer the figure and stay perfectly quiet. Successful negotiation needs poker-faced determination, a high opening offer, an air of confidence in one's value in the market-place and a willingness to walk away. Follow these rules to get what you deserve: ASK FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT....

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