Treść zadania


An imaginary journey
Imagine you are going to make a long journey in your country.Say:
-where you live
-when and where you are going
-who you are going with
-where your journey is from and to
-how you are going to tovel
-how far it is and how long it is going to take
-where you are going to stay
-what you are going to see or do on the way

Wyobraż sobie, że zamierzasz zrobić długą podróż w twoim country.Napisz:
- gdzie żyjesz
- kiedy i gdzie jedziesz??
- z kim jedziesz
- gdzie twoja podróż sie zaczyna i gdzie kończy
- jak zamierzasz podróżować
- jak daleko to jest i jak dawno to zamierzasz zrobić
- gdzie zamierzasz zostać
- co zobaczysz albo zrobisz po drodze Autor edytował treść zadania 9.5.2010 (19:23), dodano chodzi o jakoąś wyprawe

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Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    I from at the .....(na kropkach wpisz gdzie mieszkasz) I am going to the Rome at 17th of July in 2010 yer, with my friend ........(napisz jak sie nazywa twój przyjaciel). The my travel is starting at/in .........(napisz gdzie mieszkasz)and the trip is end at the Rome. I am traveling with plane. The rome is very far. I am staing at the hotel on two weeks. I am looking the old bulding in old towns.


  • Julia_P

    Jurapark in Solec Kujawski, there is a long weekend in May 2008. Here you can see the real, the lost world of animals dating back 100 million years, realistically recreated. There are about 160 reconstructions of dinosaurs, which, in minute detail reflects the anatomy of the body, skin texture and other characteristics of these reptiles. Within Juraparku also Paleontological Museum where exhibits come from around the world. You can also learn here about the history of our planet. It is the largest such park in Poland. For each specimen is given an information board on the dinosaur age and period of origin. Park has a playground with a great slide in the shape of a gorilla. There are many eateries and souvenir shops. We we went there in the Children's Day, and unfortunately there were a lot of people. Everywhere big queue: (

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