Treść zadania


1. co czytasz ?
2. na co się patrzysz
3. dlaczego płaczesz
4. gdzie mieszkasz
5. w jaki sposób udajesz się do szkoły
6.gdzie chodzisz do szkoły
7.dlaczego się śmiejesz ?
8. gdzie oni są
9. o której godz wstajesz
10. o której godz kończysz lekcje
11. co jadłeś wczoraj na śniadanie
12. gdzie oni poszli
13 . kogo oni spotkali w restauracji
14. gdzie znalazłeś ten klucz robiłeś w zeszły piątek


Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1. What are you reading?
    2. what are you looking
    3 why are you crying
    4 where you live
    5 how you go to school
    6Where you go to school
    7.Why are you laughing?
    8. where they are
    9 get up on the
    10 hour about which classes finish at the
    11 what you ate for breakfast yesterday
    12 where they have gone
    13. whom they met at a restaurant
    14 where you found the key
    15.What did you last Friday


  • beta1316

    1. What are you reading ?
    2. What are looking at?
    3. Why are you crying?
    4. Where do you live?
    5. How do you go to school?
    6. Where do you go to school?
    7. Why are laughing?
    8. Where are they?
    9. What time do you get up?
    10. What time do you end the lessons?
    11. What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?
    12. Where did they go?
    13. Who did they meet at the restaurant?
    14. Where did you find this key?
    15. What did you do last Friday?

  • userphoto

    1.what are you reading?
    2.What are you looking on?
    3. Why are you crying?
    4. where do you live?
    6.Where do you went to school?
    7. why are you laugh?
    8. where are they?
    9. What time do you get up?
    10. What time are finishing a lesson?
    11.what did you eat to breakfast yesterday?
    12. where did they go?
    13 .who did they meet in restaurant?
    14. where did you find this a key?
    15. What did you do last Friday?

  • userphoto

    1. What are you reading?
    2. what are you looking at?
    3. Why are you crying?
    4. where do you live?
    5. how you go to school?
    6. where to go to school?
    7. Why are you laughing?
    8. where are they?
    9. about which hours you get up?
    10. of which end up at school?
    11. what you ate for breakfast yesterday?
    12. where did they go?
    13. whom they met in a restaurant?
    14. where to find this key?
    15. what did you do last Friday?

0 odpowiada - 0 ogląda - 4 rozwiązań

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