Treść zadania


Daje naj..! rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
1)We eat........ yoghurt every day.
2) We went to ........ very nice restaurant last Friday.
3)Living without........... electricity is very strange.
4)There is .......... newspaper in the mailbox. Do you want it..?
5)My firm is looking for somebody with........ good knowledge of Spenish.
6)Kris was listening to...... music when phone rang.
7)Does she take........sugar in her coffe..?
8)We can't wait any longer because we have to make.......... decision today/
9)I clean my bicycle...........water.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    1)We eat. - yoghurt every day.
    2) We went to a very nice restaurant last Friday.
    3)Living without - electricity is very strange.
    4)There is some newspaper in the mailbox. Do you want it..?
    5)My firm is looking for somebody with - good knowledge of Spanish.
    6)Kris was listening to the music when phone rang.
    7)Does she take any sugar in her coffee..?
    8)We can't wait any longer because we have to make a decision today/
    9)I clean my bicycle with water.


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