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Jak jest po angielsku : szczupły mężczyzna poszedł ze swoim psem do parku na spacer. I jeszcze jedno :
Noe i Zoe to rodzeństwo i są bliźniętami ich mama nazywa się Clara a ich tata Bruce Sarach to babcia bliźniaków i jest mamą ich mamy Clary .Tim to dziadek bliźniaków i jest ojcem ich mamy Clary.Cleo to druga babcia bliźniąt ona jest matką ich taty Bruca .Peter to drugi dziadek bliźniąt i jest tatą ich taty Bruca.To cała rodzina bliźniąt.

Mam nadzieję że pomożecie ,i z góry dzienx , daję naj :) aha i plis piszcie bez błędów

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    Thin man went with his dog walk to the park.

    Noe and Zoey are kinsfolk and they are twins. Their mothers name is Clara and their fathers name is Bruce. Sarach - she is twins grandmother and motherl of Clara. Tim - he is grandfather of twins and he is Claras father, Cleo - she is the second grandmother of the twins, she is Bruces mother, and Piter - he is the second grandfather of the twins , and Bruces father . It's the all family of the twins.

    Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :D


  • daga92

    Slim man walk in a park witch his dog.
    Noe i Zoe are siblings and they are the twins, Theirs mother name's Clara and theirs father name's Bruce. Sarah is grandmother for twins and she is mother theirs mother's. Tim is gramdfather the twins and he is father theirs mother's Clara. Cleo is two grandmother the twins, she is mother their father;s Bruce. Peter ist dwo grandfather for twins and he is father theirs father - Bruce. This is full sibiling for twins.

  • thomas

    Slim man went to the park with his dog for a walk.

    Noe and Zoe are siblings and they're twins. Their Mother is called Clara and their father is called Bruce. Sarah is the Grandmother of the twins and she is the Mother of their Mother Clara. Tim is the Grandfather of the twins and he is the Father of their Mother Clara. Cleo is the other Grandmother of the twins. She is the Mother of their Father Bruce. Peter is other Grandfather of the twins and he is the Father of their Father Bruce.
    That is the twins family.

  • olusiawiktorowska

    slender man with his dog went to the park for a walk.
    Noah and Zoe are siblings and their mother are twins named Clara, and their dad is Bruce Sarach grandmother is the mother of the twins and their mother Clary. grandfather, Tim is the father of the twins and their mother's second Clary.Cleo grandmother of twins she is the mother of their dad Bruce . Peter is the second grandfather is the father of twins and their dad's whole family Bruca.To twins.

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