Treść zadania


Kiedy stoisz przed głównymi drzwiami katedry, jesteś odwrócony w stronę przystanku autobusowego, wtedy musisz skręcić w prawo. Teraz idź prosto przechodząc dwa razy przez przejście dla pieszych. Następnie, skręć w lewo, przejdź przez tory tramwajowe i idź prosto aż do McDonalds.

Zgłoś nadużycie

Komentarze do zadania

  • Acha racja. Dzięki!

  • you turn to the right... nie masz wyrazu musi.!
    "wtedy musisz skręcić w prawo"
    a poza tym dobrze

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    When you stand before the main door of the Cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.


  • Wiola9

    When you stand before the main door of the cathedral, you are turned toward the bus stop, then you turn to the right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • ECinkel

    When you stand before the main door of the Cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • Sysiaa

    When you stand before the main door of the Cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • djlukas3

    When you stand before the main door of the cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • ksiezniczka_mroku

    When you stand before the main door of the cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • userphoto

    When you stand before the main door of the cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • userphoto

    Whenever you are standing in front of main doors of Cathedral, you are facing bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now walk straight going twice through pedestrian crossing. Next, turn left, go through tram lines and walk sraight up to McDonald's.

  • userphoto

    When you stand before the main door of the cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • Kasia_

    When you stand before the main door of the cathedral, you are turned toward the bus stop, then you turn to the right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • Kar_olinka12

    When you stand before the main door of the Cathedral, you are inverted towards the bus stop, then you have to turn right. Now go straight passing two times through the pedestrian crossing. Then, turn left, cross the tram tracks and go straight until you reach McDonalds.

  • userphoto

    When you are standing in front of the main door of the cathedral, you are turned away in the direction of a bus stop, then you must turn right. Now go straight crossing a crossing twice. Next, turn left, cross railway tram lines and go straight all the way to McDonalds.

  • Karolqa14

    When you are standing in front of the main door of the cathedral, you are turned away in the direction of a bus stop, then you must turn right. Now go straight crossing a crossing twice. Next, turn left, cross railway tram lines and go straight all the way to McDonalds.

  • userphoto

    When you are standing in front of the main door of the cathedral, you are turned away in the direction of a bus stop, then you must turn right. Now go straight crossing a crossing twice. Next, turn left, cross railway tram lines and go straight all the way to McDonalds.

Podobne zadania

andzia2215 j. angielski - podanie o prace. pilne ! ;) Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: andzia2215 7.4.2010 (19:32)
olinkowa249 opis tygrysa po angielsku i polsku szybko !!!!!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: olinkowa249 8.4.2010 (18:37)
madzia_ przetłumaczenia na j. angielski. Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 4 rozwiązania autor: madzia_ 13.4.2010 (17:29)
Lizol973 opisac dwa jakieś gesty na angielski Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: Lizol973 14.4.2010 (17:23)
klaudia Przetłumacz na język angielski Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: klaudia 14.4.2010 (19:34)

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