Treść zadania


30 zdan twierdzacych w czasie present continuous...;P

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    1. I'm reading a book.
    2. I'm eating a dinner now.
    3. I'm listening to music.
    4. He's waiting for a bus.
    5. She's making a cake.
    6. They're working today.
    7. You're learning English now.
    8. I'm heaving a good time now.
    9. You're singing.
    10. You're jumping over the bridge.
    11. My mother is cleaning the bathroom.
    12. It's raining.
    13. This child is smiling.
    14. You're laughing from me.
    15. My friend is coming.
    16. We’re relaxing now.
    17. My parents are talking with my sister.
    18. He’s writing a letter to his girlfriend.
    19. I’m interesting to buy a car.
    20. His cat is climbing the tree.
    21. We’re going to school.
    22. She’s crying.
    23. He’s making a driving license.
    24. I’m preparing a surprise for my mum.
    25. Susanne and Rich are cooking biscuits.
    26. My teacher is asking me about my homework.
    27. Marry is helping her grandmother in the garden.
    28. They’re playing football.
    29. We’re doing yoga.
    30. You’re watching tv.


  • wiki831

    1.I'm reading book now.
    2.I'm writing a letter at the moment.
    3.You're runing now.
    4.You're talking with friends today.
    5.She's singing this evening.
    6.He's working in restaurant these days.
    7. My english is getting better.
    8. I'm making sandwich now.
    9. We're listening to music now.
    10.She's learning English.
    11.He's starting read a magazine.
    12.You're trying read a notebook at the moment.
    13.They're studying these days.
    14.My mum is learning Italian.
    15. I'm going to the cinema this evening.
    16. We're smiling now.
    17.She's living in Warsaw.
    18.He's driving a car now.
    19.You're flying a plane now.
    20.They're visiting grandparends this week.
    21.My mum is going hiking now.
    22. I'm swimming now.
    23. I'm sightssing at the moment
    24. We're drinking tea now.
    25..She's eatinh hot-dog at the moment
    26.He's dancing this evening
    27.You're walking in the park now.
    28.They're feeling fresh air now
    29.My mum is writing a list.
    30. I'm going to my mum now.

  • agunia128

    1. I am sitting now.
    2. She is reading a very interesting book.
    3. He is running with his dog.
    4. My mother is cooking at the moment.
    5. My father is making his bed at the moment.
    6. My sisiter is doing her homerwork.
    7. They are watching TV now.
    8. I am playing computer games now.
    9. We are going to the cinema.
    10. My parents are having dinner at the moment.
    11. I am playing football now.
    12. They are writing a letter to their parents.
    13. You are speaking now.
    14. Children are jumping at the moment.
    15. He is reading a newspaper now.
    16. My uncle is driving.
    17. Her grandparents are going to church now.
    18. A student is learning now.
    19. My husband is sleeping now.
    20. Her child is rollerskating in the park at the moment.
    21. My mother is watering her plants.
    22. My sister is booking a ticket to cinema.
    23. Your father is standing now.
    24. You are wearing a blue T-shirt.
    25. They are talking.
    26. She is brushing her teeth.
    27. He is washing his face.
    28. You are having breakfast.
    29. We are playing basketball.
    30. I am trying to wake up.

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