Treść zadania
Autor: joszi Dodano: 24.11.2010 (23:15)
answer the questions in the plan then write your letter.
DEAR+ {your friend's first name}
{para 1} How are you going to great your friend?Why are you writting the letter?
Main Body
{PARA2-3} What are your new neigbbours like ?
What new friends have you made?
What are they like ?
What are your classmates like?
{para 4} What are your closing remarks?
How will you sign off?
Dear Penny,
My host family are wonderful!Mr brown is really funny. hels always telling us jokes.mrs brown is great,too.she's a fantastic cook and keeps making me cakes and lots of other lovely things! their daughter cindy is our age. she's really cool. we often go shopping together. last , but not least there's andy cindy's fourteen-year-old brother. he is quite shy and likes playing football.anyway got to go now- i've got an english exam tomorrow. keep in touch!
I really like going to school here ! the teachers are very helpful. i'ts great fun learning another language! my classmates are all really friendly, especially sally. she helps me out and is very kind. charlie is the class clown.he's always getting into trouble for making everyone laugh!
how are things going ? just dropping you a line to tell you how are things going ? just dropping you a line to tell you
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