Treść zadania


przetłumacz zdania utwórz z nimi pytania i przeczenia:

James wyszedł aby kupić kawę.Zabrał ze sobą telefon.

Rosie znalazła swój telefon pod siedzeniem.

Zgłoś nadużycie

Komentarze do zadania

  • trzeba było jeszcze napisać w jakim czasie. np. Present Simple, Future Simple itp.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    James went out to buy coffe. Did James go out to buy coffe? James didn't go out to by coffe.

    Rosie found her telephone uner the seat. Did Rosie find her telephone under the seat? Rosie didn't find her telephone under the seat.


  • userphoto

    James went out to buy a coffee. Did he go out to buy a coffee? He didn't go out to buy a coffee
    He took a phone with him. Did he take a phone with him? He didn't take phone with him.
    Rosie found hermobile under the seat. Did Rosie findest her mobile under the seat? Rosie didn't find her mobile under the seat.

    Mam nadzieje, ze choc trochę pomoglam ;D

  • Tusia44

    James wyszedł aby kupić kawę.Zabrał ze sobą telefon
    Did James go out to buy coffe?
    James didn't go out to by coffe
    Rosie znalazła swój telefon pod siedzeniem
    Rosie found her telephone uner the seat
    Did Rosie find her telephone under the seat?
    Rosie didn't find her mobile under the seat.

  • milka_1553

    James went to buy coffee. He took the phone. - Tłumaczenie
    Why James came out? What he took with him? - pytanie

    Rosie found her phone under the seat. - tłumaczenie
    Rosie where she found her phone? - pytanie

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