Treść zadania


wybierz poprawne zdanie:
1 a . I am never going snowboarding in the summer
b . I never go snowboarding in the summer.
2.I don't understand
b . I'm not understanding
3.a There's a computer under the desk
b.There'd computer between the desk
4.a David hates horror films
b.David is hating horror films

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Over the years, snowboarding has evolved tremendously. From the first surf-like boards, made up of plastic,fiber-glass, and wood,to asymetric models or freestyle experiments,we- at some firms are proud to have been there from the beginning. The first boards were developedfor powder, with metallic fins and rudimentary bindings. Not the cap-like structure used in the first commercial models!...

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Przydatność 65% Poprawne malowanie obrazów według nauczyciela

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