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    Słowo ekologia powstało z połączenia dwóch słów greckich: oik -dom i logos-nauka. Tak więc już z genezy tego słowa można próbować zdefiniować ekologię jako dziedzinę nauki zajmującą się naszym domem czyli planetą Ziemia. Ekologia jest to nauka o strukturze i funkcjonowaniu żywej przyrody. Obejmuje całość zjawisk dotyczących wzajemnych zależności pomiędzy organizmami lub zespołami organizmów żywych a martwym środowiskiem. Ta dziedzina nauki bada określony teren, w którym bytują organizmy, zwany ekosystemem.


  • madziuniex

    Maju zauważ że ma to być po angielsku. Napisałam o globalnym ociepleniu:
    The fact is that over the twentieth century the average global temperature has risen about 0.7 degree Celsius. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC for short) provides its growth in the twenty-first century by a further 1.4 ° C to 5.8 ° C.
    If the ongoing dispute as to the causes of global warming, the same phenomenon is undeniable. The effects of increasing global temperatures are to predict and are not very encouraging.
    Effects of global warming

    Higher temperature? Does not sound bad. Many people complain over the winter. And nothing will happen as it warms a few degrees ... It turns out that it is not so simple and so good.

    A small change in climate cięgnie a range of global consequences. The effects of climate change suffer each. Some regions of the world will benefit others will lose. Likewise, the business sectors. Change the geopolitical map of the world too. If changes are followed by slow humanity and nature adapt to them. Rapid warming suffer more severe consequences for him.

    The best known consequence of the melting of glaciers and, consequently, an increase in sea level. If worse scenarios come true, sea levels will rise so much that coastal cities will be flooded. topniejcy ice podbiegónowy example of the city, which may fall victim to the sea is Gdańsk. 880ha of the city lies on lands to 1m above sea level In this old town with valuable monuments. Even if it would be possible to build embankments expensive coastal city situated in a depression would be exposed to dangerous rise in groundwater levels and the risk of flooding during the storm. Cities in the world there are hundreds. Economic impact of the resettlement of their inhabitants will benefit everyone.

    If we're at melting glaciers, remember that many animals live in the ecosystems where the ice is necessary. The radical change in these ecosystems will lead to the destruction of many species of the first victim of a bet on the melting ice, polar bears, which hunt on the frozen Arctic Sea to the seals. The water did not have much chance.
    The Arctic is not the only area where changes in ecosystems will lead to severe consequences. It is expected that in the Amazon rainforest at the end of this century will become savannah. Nature slowly than a man adapts to changes in the environment. Climate change will cause the extinction of many species and the depletion of Earth's flora and fauna.

    Another, perhaps less spectacular victims are skiers, fond of alpine glaciers szusowanie. Soon it will not be possible. In addition, snowfall can turn into rain. Especially in the mountains niewysokich like ours Carpathians.

    Thawing Arctic also has its advantages. After warming it will be possible development of today's tundra areas currently inaccessible for agriculture. Both easier and cheaper will be the exploitation of natural resources in the vicinity of poles which is currently unprofitable. There will be changes in tourism. Rest of the Mediterranean will be losing from the Baltic Sea where the temperature cooler in southern Europe will increase by several degrees. Just move the crop area of individual plants. Temperate crops will go in the regions too cold today. On Polish territory would be possible establishment of vineyards, etc.

    Most countries will become closer to the equator. Hot will result in faster evaporation of water. Expand the desert areas. Reduce the areas suitable for crop farming in the area. Shortage of fresh water can be hotbed of conflict. Higher sea levels will cause flooding. Some of the islands and coasts will be flooded which can greatly reduce the surface, some island countries.

    Another effect is not porządanym rising ocean temperatures. It is highly likely that this will lead to increased activity of tropical cyclones (hurricanes), which arise only over warm oceans. This would entail a huge loss of material, human and economic consequences.

    The causes of global warming

    As for the causes of global warming of the Earth is not completely compatible among scientists. The increase in temperature of the planet may be due to changes in solar activity. It may also be a natural, cyclical change that occurs on Earth at least as evidenced by historical sources. The reasons may be other, not yet known by mankind.
    However, the majority of world opinion tends to believe that climate change is human activity. And immediately, increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas. Causes called. greenhouse effect and consequently an increase in global average temperature.
    There are several ways to reduce energy consumption, which are not uncomfortable and does not restrict the normal activities of people. Because you can get rid of electrical power and does not charge at all. But this way no one would not write or read the text:).
    Can we reduce the power consumption of a desire to save money, whether for reasons of ecological methods are the same. Here are some examples:

    Turn off the device, which is currently not in use
    off as you do not use this clear and simple way to lower energy consumption:) Keep in mind the fact that each device startup gets more power. So do not turn off the TV for 15 seconds.

    Energy-saving compact świetkówki
    Take four to five times less energy than incandescent bulbs, which most of the energy to convert into heat, only a small part of the light. Yes, the bulbs are cheaper. But their durability is low and you need to replace them often. Energy-saving świetkówka returns completely after six months.
    Jendnak not in any case, it pays to install świetkówkę. Because it takes a lot of power at startup. In areas where lights on is usually only for a moment it pays to leave the old-style bulbs. And if we have a fluorescent lamp is better not to put out the light for a few minutes to re-ignite it.

    Standby (Stand By)
    It seems that użądzenia standby consume virtually no power. How much energy it takes little LED lit? The truth is somewhat different. For example, non-stop watchful monitor is ready for the signal from the computer and draws more power than the LED. Added to this is a long standby time and make a kilowatt-hour. Complete switch off your monitor or TV switch saves at no effort.

    Fridge freezer draws current to cooling. Any heating of the unit contributes to greater power consumption. To reduce the costs of the refrigerator to avoid: Putting it in a warm place, such as direct sunlight or in the immediate vicinity of the oven. Placed in the center of hot dishes. It is better to leave them to cool on the outside. Opening for a long time.

    The best screen saver is off the monitor. The windows feature a temporary shutdown of the monitor is where wugaszacz.
    Of course, turn off your computer when leaving it unattended is essential. Unfortunately, many people have a habit of leaving your computer turned on unnecessarily.

    Cooking and you can save. Are not always aware that marnotrawimy energy. One of the most common mistakes is boiling more water than necessary. Doing boil water in a tea kettle. Then again, it cools and is boiled.
    Save it by putting the lid on the pot. Then, the heat does not escape so quickly. Another way is to turn off the oven before we prepare the food. She comes by the heat contained in a pot, pan without heating.
    These rules apply to both gas cookers and electric.

    Buying energy-efficient appliances
    Modern devices perform the same work as older downloading less power. When buying electrical appliances / tv is good to think in terms of buying power consumption. Sometimes it pays to add a few breathes and zmiejszyć costs for years.
    Savings when buying LCD TVs instead of plasma. Choosing the refrigerator energy class A or AA. Using laptops instead of desktop computers.

    Chargers for cell
    Please note that the left in gnizadku even when not charging the phone charge current.

    Each kilowatt-hour is wasted and more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the enhanced greenhouse effect.

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