Treść zadania


Jakie 2 pytania zadac do tych zdan ?

1 . He's got straight hair and brown eyes.
2. He's 13 years old and his birthday's on August 7 th.
3. Bill comes from California.
4. He lives in Los Angeles in a small house witch a big garden.
5 This year Bill's living in a flat in London.

Zadajcie do tych zdan 2 pytania ! Dam wam nagrody ;)

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    What is his hair like ?
    What are his eyes like ?
    How old is he ?
    When does he have birthday ? (ewntualnie what's his birthdate?)
    Where is Bill from
    What is home town of Bill (to trudniejsze - moze byc problem z wiarygodnoscia)
    Where does he live ?
    What's his house like ?
    Where is he living now ?
    (tutaj nie mam pomyslu)


  • userphoto

    Where is Bill living?
    How old is he?
    Where comes from?
    When he has got birthday?

  • userphoto

    How old is he?
    Where is he from?
    Where is he live?

  • mala___

    1. Hes he's got straight hair ?
    Hes he's got brown eyes ?

    2. When he's got a birhday ?
    How old are him ?

    3. What's name the boy ?
    where go bill ?

    4.Where he's live ?
    is he got garden ?

    5.Where live bill this year ?
    Who live in London ?

  • mateuszbober21

    1. What is his hair like ?
    2.How old is he ?
    3.Where is Bill from
    4.Where does he live ?
    5.Who live in London ?

    nie wiem czy dobrze?!?!

  • userphoto

    1. Hes he's got straight hair ?
    Hes he's got brown eyes ?

    2. When he's got a birhday ?
    How old are him ?

    3. What's name the boy ?
    where go bill ?

    4.Where he's live ?
    is he got garden ?

    5.Where live bill this year ?
    Who live in London ?

  • userphoto

    P.s. to jest dobrze ponieważ tutaj chodzi o wykaznie umiejętności zadawania pytań w tym czasie w jakim jest ta odpowiedż.

    1. Does he have brown eyes?
    Does he have straight hair?
    What colour his eyes are?
    What is his hair like?

    2. Does his birthday is on August 7th?
    How old he is?
    Is he 13 years old now?
    When he has got a birthday?

    3. Does he come from California?
    Does Bill come from California?
    Where is Bill from?

    4. Does he live in Los Angeles?
    Does he live in a small house with a big garden?

    5. Is Bill living in a flat?
    Is he living in a flat in London?
    Is Bill living this year in London?

  • Dyla

    1.What he's colour eyes?
    2.How old are you? When's your birthday
    3.Where are you from?
    Dalej niewiem. Niewiem czy dobrze

  • userphoto

    How old is he?
    Where is He from?

  • userphoto

    1. Does he have brown eyes?
    Does he have straight hair?
    What colour his eyes are?
    What is his hair like?

    2. Does his birthday is on August 7th?
    How old he is?
    Is he 13 years old now?
    When he has got a birthday?

    3. Does he come from California?
    Does Bill come from California?
    Where is Bill from?

    4. Does he live in Los Angeles?
    Does he live in a small house with a big garden?

    5. Is Bill living in a flat?
    Is he living in a flat in London?
    Is Bill living this year in London?

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