Treść zadania


Napisz zdania uzywajac konstrukcji there is/there are

przyklad people seven milion

there are seven million people.

2 big museums :some
3 airports: four
4 beaches : 0
5 people :1,00
6 hotels: one
train stations : 0
shops: some

dam naj za szybkie roz proszee;(

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    2 there are some big museums
    3.there are four airports
    4.there aren't any beaches
    5.there is one people
    6.there aren't any train stations
    7.there are some shops


  • userphoto

    2 there are some big museums
    3.there are four airports
    4.there aren't any beaches
    5.there is one people
    6.there aren't any train stations
    7.there are some shops

  • userphoto

    2 there are some big museums
    3.there are four airports
    4.there aren't any beaches
    5.there is one people
    6.there aren't any train stations
    7.there are some shops

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