Treść zadania


` Zamień zdania w liczbie pojedynczej na zdania w liczbie mnogiej. `

1. My friend doesn't like milk.
My friends don't like milk. <-- przykład
2. The boy wants a sandwich and orange juice.
3. Our neighbour hasn't got a child.
4. The businessman needs time and money.
5. He had a sweet, but he didn't have any water.
6. The student is having lunch in a fast-food restaurant.
7. She doesn't eat meat. She's a vegetarian.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    2. The boys want some sandwiches and orange juice.
    3. Our neighbours haven't got children
    4.The businessmen need time and money
    5.They had sweets but they didn't have any water.
    6. The students are having lunch in a fast-food restaurant.
    7. They don't eat meat. They are vegetarians



  • userphoto

    2.Boys want a sandwich and orange juice.
    3.Our neighbour haven't got a child.
    4.The businessmans need time and money.
    6.The students are having lunch in a fast-food restaurant.
    7.We don't eat meat. We are a vegetarian.

  • userphoto

    2. the boys want sandwiches and orange juices.
    3.our neighbours don't have a child/ children.
    4.the buissnesman need time and money.
    5.they had sweets, but they didn't have any water.
    6.the students are having lunch in a fast-food restaurant.
    7.they don't eat meat. they are vegetarians.

  • userphoto

    2The boys want....
    3 Our neighbours haven't...
    4 The businessmen need....
    5 They had a sweets, but they didn't have any water.
    6 The students are having lunch in a fast-food restaurant.
    7 They don't eat meat. They are vegetarians.

  • userphoto

    The boys want a sandwich and orange juice.
    Our neighbour haven't got a child.
    The businessman need time and money.
    He had a sweet, but he didn't have any water. / He has a sweet, but he doesn't have any water.
    The students are having lunch in a fast-food restaurant
    She doesn't eat meat. She's a vegetarian.

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