Treść zadania


przetlumaczyć na język angielski :) pomocy !!!
1 hipopotam jest grupszy od żyrafy :
2 żyrafa jest najwyższa :
3 wąż jest dłuższy od ślimaka :
4 co jedzą ptaki :
5 płetfal blękitny (wieloryb) jest największym zwierzęciem na swielcie :

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    hippopotamus is father than giraffe
    giraffe is the most talest
    snake is longer than snail
    what eat birds
    blue whale is the most bigest animal of the world


  • isia21

    1)hippo is thicker than giraffe.
    2)giraffe is highest.
    3)snake is longer than the fourth slug
    4)what they eat birds
    5)płetfal Blue (whale) is the largest animal on world.

    niewiem jak jest płetfal

  • gagysek

    hippo is fatter than the giraffe
    giraffe is the tallest
    snake is longer than the snail
    what eats birds?
    blue whale in the biggest animals ina the world

  • userphoto

    1)hippo is thicker than giraffe.
    2)giraffe is highest.
    3)snake is longer than the fourth slug
    4)what they eat birds
    5)płetfal Blue (whale) is the largest animal on world.

    tak to powinno wyglądać ;p

  • Julia1998

    1.hippopotamus is father than girafe.
    2.giraffe is the highest.
    3.snake is longer than the worm.
    4.what eay birds.
    5. blue whale is the largest animal in the world.

  • userphoto

    Hippo is fatter than giraffe.
    Giraffe is the tallest.
    Snake is longer than snail.
    What does birds eat?
    Whale is the biggest animal in the world.

  • Ola668

    hippopotamus is father than giraffe
    giraffe is the most talest
    snake is longer than snail
    what eat birds?
    blue whale is the most bigest animal of the world.

  • userphoto

    Hippo is fatter than giraffe.
    Giraffe is the tallest.
    Snake is longer than snail.
    What does birds eat?
    Whale is the biggest animal in the world.

  • userphoto

    1.hippo is fatter than giraffe.
    2.Giraffe is the biggest.
    3.Snake is longer than snile.
    4.What eat birds?
    5.Blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.

    pzdr. xd

  • userphoto

    1. Hippo is fatter than a giraffe.
    2. A giraffe is the tallest.
    3. A snake is longer than a snail.
    4. What does birds eat?
    5. A blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.

  • userphoto

    hippopotamus is father than giraffe
    giraffe is the most talest
    snake is longer than snail
    what eat birds
    blue whale is the most bigest animal of the world


  • userphoto

    hippopotamus is father than giraffe
    giraffe is the most talest
    snake is longer than snail
    what eat birds
    blue whale is the most bigest animal of the world

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