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po lewej stronie pokoju stoi lozko. po prawej stronie stoja dwa krzesla a miedzy nimi stoi stolik. na scianie wisza obrazy

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    On the left side of the room facing bed. On the right side stand two chairs and a table between them stands. Paintings hang on the wall.


  • userphoto

    on the left side of the room is a bed. On the right there are two chairs and a table between them. There are paintings on the wall

  • userphoto

    on the left side of the room is a bed. On the right there are two chairs and a table between them. There are paintings on the wall

  • CHARPIK14213

    on the left side of the room facing bed. on the right side stand two chairs and a table between them stands. paintings hang on the wall

    moim zdaniem to jest dobrze:)

  • userphoto

    On the left side of the room facing bed. on the right side there are two chairs and a table between them stands. Wall Paintings

  • kaala3612

    On the left side of the room facing the bed. On the right side there are two chairs and a table between them stands. On the wall hung pictures.

  • userphoto

    On the left side of the room is bed. On the right side are two chair, between the chairs is table.On the wall hanging a picture.

    chyba dobrze

  • Kar_olinka12

    on the left side of the room is a bed. On the right there are two chairs and a table between them. There are paintings on the wall

  • WerkaM

    On the left side of the room there is a bed. On the right there are two chairs and a table between them. And there are some paintings on the wall.

  • userphoto

    On the left side of the room facing bed. On the right side stand two chairs and a table between them stands. Paintings hang on the wall.
    Powodzenia !!

  • userphoto

    On the left side of the room is a bed. On the right side of the room are two chairs and between them there is a table. On the walls are hanging pictures.

  • userphoto

    On the left side of the room facing bed. on the right side there are two chairs and a table between them stands. On the wall hung pictures

  • jana2244

    On the left side of the room there is a bed. On the right there are two chairs and a table between them. And there are some paintings on the wall.

  • userphoto

    on the left side of the room facing bed. on the right side stand two chairs and a table between them stands. paintings hang on the wall

  • asia8815

    On the left side of the room facing bed. on the right side stand two chairs and a table between them stands. paintings hang on the wall

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