Treść zadania


hej, mam przetłumaczone na j. angielski list o sobie i chciałam sprawdzić, czy są jakieś błędy?
jak tak to prosze napisać. ;D

Dear Ann,
At the beginning I wanted to greet you warmly.
I am writing to you to tell you something about me.

My name is Zaneta, I am 15 years old and
come from a small town village...... ( nazwa miejscowosci)
This village is famous for its famous store.
I am a student, I learned in school .......{nazwa miejscowosci)
My favorite subject in school is PE and art.
I'm in the 3rd class I reach the bus to school. I am always a problem getting up
but then the school is good and does not feel sleepy.

Favorite season - summer (because it's warm and are holidays)
I have two siblings, older brothers, Robert and Przemek.
I have 3 dogs. I love animals.
I have blond hair and blue eyes, I'm tall and slim.
Interested in sports (volleyball), music and photography.
In my spare time I like hanging out with friends.
And how you spend your free time?
My friends - Monika, Angelika, and Kamila.
Angelika - is 17 years old,
black, short hair, brown eyes, lower than me.
Interested in sport. We've known for 3 years.
Monika - is 14 years old, brown hair and brown eyes.
Interested in photography, music, books, movies, etc.
We know each year.
Kamila - long brown hair and brown eyes.
Interested in music and parties. We are 1,5 years.
Always great to understand and rarely argue.

And your friends? Can you tell me anything about them?
I can not wait to get messages from you.

Best wishes,


Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    This village is famous for its famous store. - powtórzenie: the village is well known...
    I learned in school - uczysz się czy już nie, bo dalej piszesz, jakie lubisz przedmioty, więc albo tu 'I go to the school in...' albo dalej 'subject were (a jak już w teraźniejszym to 'are', bo
    I am always a problem getting up
    but then the school is good and does not feel sleepy. - I always have a problem with getting up but then in the school I'm fine and I don't feel sleepy
    because it's warm and are holidays - (...) and there are holidays
    Interested in... - I like...
    In my spare time - In my free time
    Angelika - is 17 years old,
    black, short hair, brown eyes, lower than me. - Angelika is 17 years old, has black, short hair, brown eyes and is shorter than me.
    Always great to understand and rarely argue. - Always understanding and calm.
    can not - wyjątek, piszemy łącznie: cannot


  • olusia43

    Jak dla mnie nie ma błędów, ale dziwi mnie to że jesteś studentem.

  • userphoto

    dla mnie to też jest dziwne w tym wieku ale tak w ogóle dałam bym 6! bardzo ładnie

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